Tuesday, October 30, 2007

REMINDER: Charlotte Leash Laws

There have been some recent reports of pets within Kellers Glen that were not leashed. This is a friendly reminder of the local leash laws in effect that apply to everyone in our neighborhood.

Leash Laws

The City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County have strict leash laws that apply to all animals except cats (see the nuisance animal section for laws pertaining to cats). Animals must be on a leash, contained within a fence or an operable and marked invisible fence. An animal may be loose in its own yard if there is an adult (18 years or older) present with the animal and the animal responds to direct verbal commands of the person.

All regulations aim to protect the health and safety of our citizens. Please be a responsible pet owner and abide by the law. Violations will be investigated and stiff fines may be applied. Fines range from a $50.00 citation for the first violation and up to a $500.00 citation and permanent seizure of the animal for a fifth violation. To report an animal at large, please call 311.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

REPOST: Keller's Glen HOA meeting October 23

[This is an exact repost of the email Jill recently sent to the email distribution list, just so we have meeting notes posted in some permanent place for everyone to refer back to as needed. -- B.J.]

Hello Keller's Glen Community Members!

Here is some information about what was discussed at the Home Owner's Meeting in case you were not able to make it to the meeting:

Jerry Leach has decided to step down from his spot as the treasurer after many years of service. Mindy Evans has been elected to become the new treasurer of Keller's Glen. If you have questions concerning finances or annual dues please forward your questions to Mindy at mevans@gulfstreammgmt.com.

We discussed the budget and will be looking to revamp the landscaping of our front entrance in the spring. In additional we will be looking into adding more street lights on Elfreda and Oberwood. If you have any suggestions concerning the landscaping, please email Jill Tan at jillgtan@gmail.com

In 2008 the annual HOA dues will be due on February 1st. The HOA board members will be mailing out a packet of information pertaining to the community, bylaws, and your invoice in early January.

There was nothing new to report from the Neighborhood Watch chairman, Chris Evans. We are currently awaiting our neighborhood watch sign. If you notice any suspicious activity in the neighborhood, please call the police and inform our Neighborhood Watch chairman, Chris Evans at 704-287-1153. Please also feel free to use the kellersglenALL@kellersglen.org email address to inform your neighbors of suspicious activity. This way we can all be informed and make this a safer community to live in.

We are planning a progression dinner party for January 2008. This will consist of drinks, appetizers, and desserts at various members of the communities homes. We plan to do this shortly after the new year. If you are interested in joining this committee please email Jill Tan at jillgtan@gmail.com. There will be more information to come.

If we missed you tonight, we hope to see you at the progression party or the next meeting which we will hold in February.

Jill Tan

ANNOUNCEMENT: New Treasurer Named

Congratulations to Mindy Evans who was voted in as Treasurer of the Keller's Glen Homeowners Association this evening.

Mindy will replace Jerry Leach, who graciously served in this capacity for an unheralded stretch of time, who had requested stepping down in the past few weeks due to work responsibilities.

Thanks for all your hard work, Jerry!

Mindy can be reached at treasurer@kellersglen.org.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Kellersglen.org is finally online!

Hi everyone!

Thanks for stopping by!

If you're a resident in the Keller's Glen neighborhood in Charlotte, NC, this is the site for you!

The hope is that this will become a place for everyone to stay better informed of neighborhood goings-ons, and more easily communicate with each other regarding news and events happening in and around our neighborhood.

For this to become a thriving source of information, however, we need your help.

1. Please register to post information on your own! Right now, anyone can write a comment to a post that's already on the site. However, if you want to add a new post, you need to register. Simply click on the link on the right and/or send an email to me (webmaster@kellersglen.org).

I (B.J.) will set you up with permission to post, and you will receive an email invite. Since this site is hosted by Google/Blogger, they require you to create an account with Gmail (a.k.a., Google Mail), which has a great secondary benefit -- Gmail, in my opinion, is one of the best free email services out there!

Once you're registered, you can post whatever information on the site that you wish -- news, recommendations for restaurants, good or bad experiences with contractors, spread the word about social outings, reach out to your neighbors for a baby sitter, etc. There's no limit on what you can post! [Though, for the sake of everyone, please keep it clean and friendly.]

2. Send recommendations for web sites and other online resources that would be valuable to your neighbors. Send me (webmaster@kellersglen.org) an email with any web sites you feel would be useful to have listed on the right hand side of the site. They can be school and community related resources, sites with restaurant reviews, movie theaters (and showtimes), a list of restaurants that deliver to our neighborhood, etc.

3. Have concerns? Contact the Homeowner's Association (HOA) Board! Each member of the board has their own personal email address (click on their names at the right to contact them) -- any questions or concerns can either be posted here, or emailed directly to any/all members of the HOA Board (depending on your preference and/or individual need).

4. Have something timely you need to announce to all your neighbors? Email the entire neighborhood in one step: Send a note to kellersglenALL@kellersglen.org. However, since this will send your email to each and every person whose email address has been communicated to the HOA Board (currently, more than 30 people!), please use this email address SPARINGLY!

Want to report suspicious activity to your neighbors (AFTER alerting the local police as needed!)? Desperate for a baby sitter for tomorrow morning? By all means -- use this email address to contact everyone efficiently. However, for less serious and less timely news and information, please post a note on the site instead of filling up everyone's email inboxes.

5. Check back on a regular basis! The more people who use the site, post information, and communicate with each other, the more useful it will become. While I will add content when I can, and I'm sure the HOA Board will add announcements as well, this is a "living, breathing" community that will only be as useful as you make it!

So, please -- join in and get to know your neighbors a little bit better in the process! :o)

Thanks for your time,

[Webmaster, 6531 Elfreda]